Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know I have a sleep disorder?

Sometimes it can be hard to identify that you have a sleep disorder, especially if you don’t have someone in close proximity to notify you. If you do however have someone to experience your sleeping behaviours then you may hear that you’re tossing and turning throughout the night, snoring loudly, and/or pausing during breathing.

If you do have a sleep disorder, there are also a number of daytime symptoms you may experience such as, headaches, dry mouth/sore throat, exhaustion, and/or irritability.

I snore occasionally, does that mean I have sleep apnea?

Simply put, no. If you do snore, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have sleep apnea, but if you have sleep apnea, you will almost certainly be a snorer.

Snoring occurs when the muscles in your throat relax, partially blocking the airway. This causes your tissue to vibrate as you breathe, which leads to the noise that we hear. Some people may snore frequently, while others just occasionally. This is often influenced by behavioural factors like alcohol consumption, and bodyweight.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is quite different, and much more severe. OSA results in a complete, or almost complete blockage of the upper airway during sleep. As your body becomes deprived of oxygen, your brain will wake your body up for a moment, which usually results in an audible gasp, snore, or body twitch. This is the key difference between apnea and snoring. Apnea will actually wake you up, disrupting your sleep schedule at frequent intervals throughout the night. It’s for this reason that apnea can be so detrimental to your health, and cause such a widespread variety of ill effects.

What are some contributing factors to sleep disorders?

There are many different factors that can contribute to a sleep disorder. This includes external factors like stress from work, family, and other personal issues, as well as internal issues like enlarged tonsils and other physical characteristics. There are also behavioural factors that can affect your sleep, such as your eating schedule, alcohol use, caffeine intake, sleep schedule, and more. Some other major influencers include smoking, weight, gender, ethnicity, age, and family history.

This is why a comprehensive evaluation is so crucial for an accurate diagnosis. At Desired Sleep, we will look at all areas of your past medical history, behaviours, and internal/external issues to determine what (if any) sleep disorder is present.

Where do the tests take place?

Our process begins with an in-home/office meeting and evaluation, where we will get a better idea of the types of symptoms you are experiencing. At this time we will also look at your general medical history, and other potential contributing factors.

After the evaluation, you will complete the actual sleeping portion of our examination, which takes place at your own home. We do this to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible, and that the data we gather is reflective of a typical night of sleep.

For more information on our entire care process, visit our page here.

How long does it take to get results?

We will have your results ready in just one week. Other centres may require you to be put on a waiting list before you even have your initial evaluation.

Are your services covered by OHIP?

Our office is not affiliated with OHIP. This is because OHIP affiliated centres require you to have a referral letter from a MD in order to receive care. At Desired Sleep, we let our patients take charge of their health, and start experiencing deep and restful sleep as soon as possible.

Why Dr. Walter Heidary General Dentist?

The advantage is simple: No referral, at-home sleep studies that will provide patients with results and treatment options in just one week.

If you have any additional questions that were not addressed above, please don’t hesitate to email or give us a call. You can reach us through our Contact Page, or by calling us directly at (905) 581-2273.