
Effects of a Poor Sleep Schedule

man sitting on bed upset with sleep

Think back to your university days when pulling all-nighters to work on essays still somehow left you with enough energy to function the next day. For some of us, the “all-nighter” habit didn’t end with graduation, and we still find ourselves skipping sleep to work, party, watch TV, or simply because we just can’t fall asleep. While it may seem like no big deal, the effects of a poor sleep schedule are far more detrimental than we think.

We may think cutting back even an hour on sleep is okay, and that six to seven hours a night is plenty. While this may be common amongst today’s working individual, it is technically considered sleep deprived. The optimal number of hours of sleep an adult should get every night is between seven and a half to nine hours. This allows for you to be alert and function at your best. You should feel energetic and focused throughout your day, and signs of tiredness or irritability can indicate that you are losing out on sleep.

Speaking of irritability, the effects of a poor sleep schedule are profound on your mood. The link between your man feeling sleepy during workmental and emotional state and the amount of sleep you are getting every night is close, and is possibly one of the largest indicators of whether you are sleeping enough. Studies show that those who sleep less than the desirable amount tend to be more irritable, angry, sad, and unable to deal well with stress. Additionally, over time, a build up of these mental conditions will in turn affect your sleep, causing you more sleepless nights, perpetuating a dangerous and unhealthy cycle.

Loss or lack of sleep has high negative effects on your performance as well. Waking up feeling exhausted rather than well-rested can not only lead to moodiness, but it will greatly affect your cognitive ability. Whether it be at work, driving, playing sports, or in personal interactions, lack of sleep can hinder you from thinking clearly, and can impact your spatial and motor skills. Your thought process slows down and your concentration is scattered, causing confusion and difficulty paying attention, which also affects your judgement. While you may think sleeping less doesn’t hamper your mental condition much, think again, as some of these hindrances can dire.

Outside of feeling frustrated and confused at work, lack of sleep also has negative effects on your personal Upset Couplerelationships. Your increase in moodiness and lack of patience directly affects your partner, and your relationship with them. Additionally, studies show that those who suffer from a lack of sleep, show less gratitude towards their partner, causing tension and altercations to arise. Overall, when both partners sleep well, the relationship is stronger and both people appreciate the other more.

Don’t let the effects of a poor sleep schedule affect your daily life. Whether you are deliberately sacrificing your sleep, or whether you suffer from sleep conditions, make the change to receive your optimal sleep. Contact us for a consultation or appointment and sleep your way to a better life.

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