
Sleep Cycle

Remedies for a Better Night’s Sleep

man who can't sleep

You have had a very busy day at work. You get home late, have a quick dinner, and spend a few minutes with your children and spouse. Then you pull out your laptop so you can tie up those loose ends left over from the day. After responding to emails and, of course, distracted by Twitter and Facebook, you decide it’s time to head for the bedroom. You really need a good night’s sleep since you…

Signs it’s Time to Have Your Sleep Assessed

For some people, sleep is a welcome, restful escape from the world. It gives the body a chance to rejuvenate itself so that the individual can greet the new day with energy and focus. Unfortunately, for other people, sleep doesn’t provide momentum at all. Instead, some individuals wake up feeling more tired than they did before going to bed. If this sounds like you, it might be time to visit…

Effects of a Poor Sleep Schedule

man sitting on bed upset with sleep

Think back to your university days when pulling all-nighters to work on essays still somehow left you with enough energy to function the next day. For some of us, the “all-nighter” habit didn’t end with graduation, and we still find ourselves skipping sleep to work, party, watch TV, or simply because we just can’t fall asleep. While it may seem like no big deal, the effects of a poor…

Understanding Your Sleep Cycles

old man sleeping


Breaking down sleep cycles and understanding patterns is usually something that makes us nod off, as let’s face it, we’d much rather just conk out than try to understand what’s happening with our bodies. However, it’s important to comprehend the differing sleep cycles. While some of us have heard of REM sleep, not all of us really know what it is. Getting to know the natural cycles…